The Loom

Digital Journal

A four volume topical collection of work examining the ethnic and economic division has torn the fabric of society, including relationships between funders and practitioners. Weaving relational connection is our approach to solving this problem because we believe that solutions are the fruit of connection.

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The Loom


The Loom film tells the stories of how relationships are being woven and mended through trust, honor, mutuality, and co-creation. It shares the journey that turned strangers into friends, highlighting those who do the work and those who fund the work as they continue to be woven into a garment that will be worn by the next generation. 

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City of Welcome

City of Welcome

A collection of work and resources examining what it could look like if our city collectively practiced the beautiful culture of Welcome that is lived out by so many families and communities around OKC. Our hope is to inspire OKC to become a city where all Flourish by learning from some of the most gracious welcomers we know - resettled refugees, asylum seekers, and immigrant communities. We believe that, often, those in our community who have experienced the most barriers to being welcomed are those who most graciously, openly, and bravely extend welcome to others.

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Collective Work Through Rest

New curriculum coming Spring 2024.


Video Resources

To serve Oklahoma City as a listening ear and a hopeful voice, offering stories and media resources that make the people of our city visible to one another, that we might better converse, collaborate, and flourish together.

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We Will Flourish

We Will Flourish is a tapestry woven from human stories and perspectives, helping us to both celebrate our successes as a city and learn from our mistakes. The obstacles of flourishing are universal even as the details are local. We invite you to take a moment with us as we make space to experience one another — we will flourish, when we flourish together.

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